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White Chocolate Almond Bark for Your Special Valentine

Take a trip to Wal-Mart during Valentine’s week and you’ll see them everywhere…those guys with good intentions carrying around fluffy teddy bears and mass-produced, heart-shaped boxes of less than desirable chocolates. I just want to walk up to each of them and say, “No.” There’s simply nothing romantic about getting the same thing every other girl on the block is getting, and whoever said it’s the thought that counts, lied. A better idea, is my two-ingredient white chocolate almond peppermint bark that requires no cooking at all. If you’ve got a microwave and a sheet pan, you can do this. It’s festive, flavorful and definitely takes the romance to the next level.

Chop up some good quality white chocolate bark. You can kind find it on the baking aisle of most grocery stores.

Place the chocolate in a microwavable bowl and heat in 30-second intervals, stirring after each one. Once melted, spread the chocolate evenly in a sheet pan lined with parchment paper. 

Meanwhile, bust up some peppermints with a hammer or a rolling-pin. Whatever you have around the house will work. This is great for stress relief too. Not a peppermint fan? Use chocolate chips, nuts, or dried fruit. You could even use heart-shaped sprinkles. However, the red and white in this candy works really well with the February 14 holiday and gives the chocolate a nice minty flavor (Kissy. Kissy. Wink, Wink.).

Once the candy is crushed…

Sprinkle liberally over the chocolate. Gently press the peppermints into the chocolate with your palms. That’s it. Let it set at room temperature for at least one hour.

Remove the parchment paper onto a cutting board and give the chocolate block a rough chop. You don’t want all the pieces to be even, that’s what gives it a homemade look.

Place several pieces of the bark in a pretty package and tie with red and white ribbon. You’re all done! Now that’s a unique, homemade gift that you can be proud of, and is sure to make your sweetheart swoon. Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s a quick glance at what you’ll need:


  1. One package of peppermints

  2. Good white chocolate almond bark


  1. Microwave

  2. Glass bowl

  3. Spoon for stirring

  4. Sheet pan

  5. Knife

  6. Parchment paper

What’s your take on the retail boxes of chocolate? Love them or hate them?

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