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The Infamous Office Christmas Party

A Christmas feast, indeed.

I started a new job in November, and I’ve really enjoyed getting to know my new co-workers. We had our office Christmas party this week and the food was nothing short of fabulous. On the menu?

  1. Ham

  2. Turkey

  3. Dressing and Gravy

  4. Macaroni and Cheese

  5. Butter Beans

  6. Asparagus (and not the dinky kind)

  7. Tomato Casserole

  8. Mixed Green Salad

  9. Cheesecake or Red Velvet Cake with berries

Macaroni and Cheese is the dish I don’t fix at home often, but really look forward to eating during the holidays. It was cooked perfectly, crunchy on top and cheesy throughout. The tomato casserole was very interesting and a dish I’d never heard of, much less tried. It had bacon and cheese in it and I’m going to attempt to recreate it (that’s a post for a later date). Have you ever seen asparagus thinner than a pencil? There’s nothing I despise more than going to the grocery store to buy a vegetable like asparagus and it’s not plump. This asparagus was full and round and had a nice bite to it.

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My white elephant gift. I’m all about anything festive!

It was a delicious meal indeed. The only thing I would’ve added is a nice blackberry reduction sauce to the cheesecake. A shout out to Eagle Dining Services for catering a wonderful holiday luncheon!

After we ate, our team had a white elephant gift exchange which was rather entertaining with 40 folks. Since I drew #17, I got to choose whether I wanted to take someone else’s gift or pick a gift from under the tree. I decided to take someone’s Cabernet Sauvignon and should have known I wouldn’t get to keep it. The next gift I opened was a set of kitchen knives and since I already have a fine set at home, I talked another co-worker into a trade at the end of the game. I came out pretty good with a Santa Claus inspired wine glass. Hey, at least it’s something I can use! Among the most popular gifts? Wine, lottery tickets and a Georgia Southern University Gnome. We had lots of laughs and a great time was had by all.

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